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RHLP (Red Hot Long Player) provides countless reasons to remain here, so good.  Falling stars, wishes come true.  I won't bore you with the details, just the numbers.  No water was used in the making of the video.  It is explicitly about love.  Conceptualism always involves stepping away from personal meaning, testing the boundaries without exploding a mind.  Sun Ra says it best in his music, but so does the sound of wind or a car approaching.

Shalom Gorewitz is a trailblazer in the field of video art, a medium he has explored since its inception in the 1960s.  As one of the early practitioners of this evolving art form, Gorewitz has used video as a tool to merge personal introspection with sociopolitical commentary.  His work is characterized by a unique combination of experimental techniques, thematic depth, and a painterly approach to video that challenges conventional storytelling.

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