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Old Whine in New Blogles

I’ll admit upfront that I’ve been practicing meditation for a long time and know the problems that the ego can cause. At the same time, a diviner I deeply respect called me a “child” of Shango, the West African god who cannot tolerate injustice. There is a strong strain of self righteousness in my own tribe that I’ve inherited. The constant attempt to loosen the grip of the mind and the I is always in conflict with the zeal of the soldier for justice.

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Shalom Gorewitz is a trailblazer in the field of video art, a medium he has explored since its inception in the 1960s.  As one of the early practitioners of this evolving art form, Gorewitz has used video as a tool to merge personal introspection with sociopolitical commentary.  His work is characterized by a unique combination of experimental techniques, thematic depth, and a painterly approach to video that challenges conventional storytelling.

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